Vanmiddag heb ik in het zonnetje een rondje door de polders getoerd. Bij de Wilck vloog de Grote Zilverreiger weg voordat ik hem kon fotograferen. Deze haas bleef rustig met de rug in de wind zitten suffen.
Wednesday May 16, 2012 We split the 1300 km Autobahn trip from Zoetermeer in the Netherlands to the Neusiedler See in two days. The thirst 700 km brought us to the hotel Reiterhof near Günzenhausen in Germany, about 60 km from Nürnberg. A decent hotel with clean rooms and simple but good meals. But if you hate horses you will have to avoid that hotel. There was a lot of cargo traffic on the Autobahn. It caused a delay of about two hours, and, due to an accident, a detour through German country roads, with a hunting Montagu's Harrier as a bonus. Along the autobahn we saw the usual birds that can be expected during such a trip like Common Kestrel, Common Buzzard, Black Kite and some smaller stuff. Thursday, May 17, 2012 After a good night sleep and a fine breakfast the second day of travelling through Germany and Austria was to begin. It was unusually cold, about zero degrees but no rain today. From the balcony of our room we heard the first of many Great Reed ...
Ik kom goed in mijn plaatjes van de Waterhoen te zitten. Steeds opnieuw ga ik voor niks naar een plasje waar de IJsvogels regelmatig verschijnen. De Waterhoentjes laten zich daar wel goed fotograferen.